Business Continuity and Emergency Planning


At the onset of a Major Incident, when time is Mission Critical, and from wherever you are, can you instantly access:

If not, then your Organisation is at serious risk. Sentinel provides a step by step pre-planned solution to these and other mission critical issues, during a Major Incident. Often, a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) is focused only on continuing, or rapidly restoring business operations after an Event. Little attention is paid to the steps which must be taken during the very emergency that initiates a BCP.

Sentinel is a PC launched, concise, Information Resource, targeted at assisting your Emergency Response Team and the Emergency Services during a Major Incident. Applicable to all crisis situations, this unique Emergency Information Delivery Vehicle guides the user through a logical information sequence, prioritised to ensure the Safety of Life, the Protection of the Environment and the Preservation of Assets.
WAYOUT is the official licensee of Sentinel in the Asia Pacific region, see further details here.


Where Occupiers, Providers and Enforcing Authorities Connect,to Save Money, Comply with the Law and Make Buildings Safer, day to day. Facilitator is a concise ‘one stop’ information resource, that makes it easier to manage Risk. By presenting data on a 24/7 web based platform, local and external stakeholders can connect to audit, monitor and attain safety goals.
Its also highly secure and can manage Contracts and Contractors. Facilitator makes it easier to plan and execute Contracts, monitor provider performance and quickly exposes poor performance. Similarly, Facilitator makes it easier for external providers to perform their function and get paid, promptly. That 24/7 connection saves money.
A highly secure, 24/7 paperless environment is ideally suited to Electronic Tendering. Facilitator is a proven, trusted platform and, on contracts over £10,000, is not just economic: It will save more than it costs.
Monitor is a specific subdivision of the Facilitator. A panel of Environment, Fire, Health & Safety and Security experts monitor E.U. and U.K. Legislation, incidents and trends, in designated building use sectors. Clients receive clear, up to the minute guidance on changes to the Law, aftermath debriefs and best practice models.


Specifically focussed on Business Continuity and Emergency Planning, Sentinel is a commonsense tool that makes it easy to prepare for an incident. During an incident, Sentinel connects Stakeholders and Blue Light Responders guiding users through logical resolve sequences, making actions faster and reducing impact.
Sentinel can protect single buildings, or whole portfolio. Specific subdivisions include Arena Sentinel (Major Sports and Event Venue Systems) and Target Sentinel (Personal Emergency Plans, for high profile personnel). Where Sentinel isn’t a stand alone concept, but is twinned with Contingency Risk Management, it’s name is dropped in favour of the all embracing Facilitator Brand.
Wayout Evacuation Systems
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